Check out more of Maxwell Tilse's work here
Check out more of Maxwell Tilse's work here
First tech weekend of the fall's a teaser for OCU Opera/Music Theatre's production of 9 to 5 ain't fine art, but it's funny.
Dreamy Architectural Watercolors by Sunga Park
These architectural watercolor studies by Sunga Park seem to drip and fade out of focus like a memory or a dream.
I hope every one is enjoying a little down time today. For many of us this will be the last bit of a break for a while...our little pal (the workload freight train) has arrived. Don't panic.
A colleague, that unfortunately I didn't know all that well, passed away last night...Lighting Design Professor Steve Draheim at my alma mater the University of Oklahoma, from what I've heard (and read on the Facebook), he was a special mentor who will be missed...thoughts and prayers out to the Draheim family and the students, faculty, and staff in the OU School of Drama and College of Fine Arts.
"There’s people that say: “It’s not fair. You have all that stuff.” I wasn’t born with it. It was a horrible process to get to this. It took me my whole life. If you’re new at this — and by “new at it,” I mean 15 years in, or even 20 — you’re just starting to get traction. Young musicians believe they should be able to throw a band together and be famous, and anything that’s in their way is unfair and evil. What are you, in your 20s, you picked up a guitar? Give it a minute." - Louis C.K.